

UI Designer


MedMatch Jobs


Pen & Paper | Sketch


MedMatch is a Chicago-based startup currently in the process of launching a web application that connects physicians looking for job opportunities with medical facility recruiting staff looking to fill open positions. The platform recommends job “matches” to physicians based on specified preferences, connects physicians directly with medical facility HR staff, and streamlines the entire process from job search to job offer.

The Challenge

The client came to us looking for a visual redesign of their current web platform including the dashboard, onboarding, and the matches filtering.  At the time, the client had a basic template for the dashboard and wireframes for the onboarding.


Visual competitive analysis | style tiles | style guide | hi-fi mockups | prototype

The Approach

After reviewing the existing assets and speaking with the client, my team sought to provide a clean, cohesive, and responsive design across all areas of the application.

Developing the Style

After our initial meeting with the client to learn about the product and the scope, the next step was to identify what style and feel they wanted to achieve with the redesign.

UI Competitive Analysis

Although there are no direct competitors for this product, there were several other companies with platforms offering similar services or that had a features that the MedMatch’s application also offered.  We reviewed each with the client to understand what he liked and didn’t like about each.
Key Insights:
  • Aim for a contemporary, clean aesthetic
  • Use language & visuals to emphasize “job matches” similar to dating website
  • Overall look should be established and credible, and not present the company to look like a start-up

Style Exploration

To help us further hone in on the aesthetic the client was going for, I created three style tiles, each with a distinct feel and style.  The first was traditional and clean, the second had a more high tech feel, and the third was more colorful.
Key Insights:
  • Traditional and clean look is preferred
  • Incorporate certain aspects of the high tech look
  • Use red as the primary color for the physician-facing dashboard
  • Interface should be easily understood by medical professionals who aren’t necessarily tech savvy

Refining the Style

The client wanted us to first focus on redesigning the dashboard, because the template currently being used lacked cohesion and a distinct style.  As we were designing the dashboard, we had follow up meetings with the client to get feedback on the both the overall style and as well as the interface design. My final design took into account additional client preferences that were revealed during our meetings:
Additional Key Design Insights:
  • Dashboard navigation on left-hand side
  • Use of iconography & clear labels
  • Clean, simple style similar to Paypal
Note: Each of the three designers on the team worked individually on redesigning the interface based on our discussions and feedback from the client.

Style Guide

I created the style guide and UI kit to serve as a visual guide for applying the styling throughout the various screens of the application.


I chose to use the Aktiv Grotesque font family throughout the application due to it's clean, contemporary feel, and because of the versatility offered through the various weights and styles.


The client wanted to assign a distinct primary color to each dashboard user type, more specifically, red for the physician dashboard, blue for the hospital recruiter dashboard and green for the nurse dashboard. I chose an accent color that could be used with each of the main user dashboard colors.

Full Style Guide & UI Kit


Final Design

Due to the short timeline, I was working on refining the overall aesthetic while also redesigning the UI elements of the key screens.  As I received feedback and iterated, I ensured that the styling flowed down cohesively throughout all of the redesigned screens.


The goal of the dashboard redesign was to take the elements and information the client had in their basic template, and design it to have more clarity and visual appeal.
Click each tab below and scroll to view each of the different dashboard screens.

1 - Profile

2 - Job Status

3 - Job Matches

4 - Refine Match Criteria Dropdown

5 - Job Details

6 - Notifications

7 - Settings

8 - Dashboard (Recruiter Facing Side)

9 - Dashboard (Nurse Practitioner-Facing Side)

10 - Dashboard (Original Template)


Based off of basic assets the client already had, I applied the style and refined the layout of the onboarding screens.

Responsive Design

The client wanted to ensure that users could easily view and navigate the web application from a mobile phone, so I made sure to design mockups for mobile use as well.


We presented to the client and delivered three different sets of high fidelity, responsive mockups that each designer on my team worked on.   Since the client is still in the development phase for the application, our recommendation for next steps were:
  • User testing of the three different designs
  • Redesign of the landing page
  • Redesign the recruiter-facing dashboard using the style guide and hi fidelity mockups for the physician-facing dashboard as a guide.

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